Center for Teaching and Learning

Renew in 2



Two Weeks, One Tweak

Renew in 2 is a program designed to help faculty of online courses improve a small part of their online course in a two-week period. At the beginning of the program, faculty will identify one aspect of the course they would like to modify or enhance. The faculty member will then work one-on-one with an Instructional Designer from the UMSL Center for Teaching and Learning to make the recommended changes. This may include utilizing new technologies, refreshing an activity, rethinking the way feedback is delivered or other considerations.

At the end of the short, two-week program, instructors will have a refreshed piece of their course that with the goal of promoting student success. The areas that faculty can select to "renew" are based on the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education (but they apply to Graduate-level courses as well). Use the form below to register for the Spring or Summer series.

Registration is currently CLOSED for the May series, but you may register for the January series.
